We use the highest quality components, sourced from reliable Italian manufacturers. Our partners and suppliers share our philosophy and maintain high European standards.
Of the hundreds of colours developed in our paint shop, we have selected eighty of our favourite to make up our current range. The bold mixture of colours underline the individual personality of our clients.
Whilst most companies are moving their premises to the Far East, Indigo is developing the production line in Poland with pride. We offer a unique product which is a result of the work of experienced Polish craftsmen.
The bulk of the production process and finishing of the Indigo frames is manual work requiring special precision and attention to detail.
Indigo is the product of the combined dreams, passion and hard work of an entire family. We produce lightweight and comfortable frames where elegant style is combined with wonderful and distinctive colours. Our goal is to create every day frames that will appeal to all, designed to refresh one’s image with a touch of an interesting colour.